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News 2017

18th August

Valerock Ambassador (Strathleven Drumochter x Oldhams Wood Miss Molly)
Congratulations to Jeannie and Bree Duckworth and Scotty, reserve champion at Royal Lancs show.


Valerock Thorn (Blairgowrie of Whitefield x Trowan Violet}
Well done to Tracey and Lauren and Woody, winning at Ribble Valley show.


21st July

Valerock Sea Pearl ridden by Hannah Dumigan, pic from the highland show.


These lovely pics are of Valerock Ambassador 5 year old stallion, courtesey of Jeannie Duckworth. Looking forward to seeing him in the workers in the future!



This is Valerock Violets filly foal. Born this morning 20th July, all is well with them both.


29th April

At last an update for the website.
Bryony of Combebank had a colt foal this morning, at a very civilised hour for a change of 10am. Only after 5 nights of being on foal watch.
Both are doing well.


A photo of Velvet and Pearl on one of our rides out.


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